6 Common Mistakes in Losing Weight

Mistake # 1. Do not pay attention to health

The most common physiological causes of weight gain are various kinds of hormonal disruptions and a number of diseases. In particular, hypothyroidism and other disorders of the thyroid gland, renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hypothalamic dysfunction, metabolic syndrome, disorders of the pancreas and digestive system, etc. lead to weight gain. If you don’t overeat and your weight gains, it may also be due to heart failure or nephrotic syndrome (due to swelling).

What to do? – It is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination. I am sure that food helps cure all diseases, but when making a diet plan it is best to plan “nutritionally”, addressing not only aesthetic problems, but also health problems. However, in severe cases, drug support may be required.

Mistake # 2. Restriction of the diet

To get rid of excess weight, the majority “sits down” on some newfangled diet or old proven diet system that sharply limits the intake of fats or carbohydrates. Often it works, and the weight goes away, but this approach does not solve the problem: as soon as we return to our usual diet .

What to do? – Create either a diet or a balanced diet on which you can live your whole life (changing the details and mood depending on the mood and the season, but at the same time keeping the foundation). Products should be unambiguously pleasant for you, as well as beneficial for your health and shape.

Ideally, the basis of the menu should be – greens, fiber, raw vegetables and fruits, vegetable fats, seafood, fish, some nuts and whole grains.

Mistake # 3. Calorie counting

The world’s nutritionists have long abandoned calorie counting, but this tradition is still alive. And advice on counting calories comes from people who call themselves “professionals.” What can you eat, for example, 1400 Kcal recommended for weight loss for women? Option number one – two chocolates. Option number two – a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, consisting of foods rich in vitamins and minerals.In the first case, you will sharply increase your sugar level, which will provoke a ravenous appetite, and as a result, you will eat a mountain on a bun. In the second, you will be full, happy, and the weight will continue to go away comfortably and smoothly.

What to do? Eat mindfully by choosing foods rich in vitamins and minerals that, in small portions, can provide maximum satiety.

Mistake # 4. Drinking less water

Water is necessary for our body to normalize metabolic processes, active blood circulation, well-coordinated work of all organs and systems, to remove excess fluid, toxins and decay products from the body.

What to do? Tea, juices don’t count.

Mistake # 5. Lack of movement

Many hope to lose weight without sports. Many people think that the difference between consumed and consumed calories will have to be increased by restricting the menu, and this is wrong. The body will quickly go into economy mode, and all work will go wrong, not to mention the physiological and psychological discomfort.

In addition, without training, the skin will sag, and the muscles will lose shape. Also, keep in mind that physical activity produces endorphins in the body that contribute to a good mood and a sense of satisfaction.

What to do? – Start doing whatever activity you like. Go outside, buy a gym membership, a pool, join a group gym, or go dancing. Train yourself to exercise at least half an hour a day at home.

Mistake # 6. Strength training

Strength training is harder to get rid of fat, and with training, muscle mass begins to grow (so there may even be weight gain), but fat is not going anywhere – only cardio can burn it. However, many do not like them and believe that you can lose weight with food and strength training. Actually, if this is not enough, you will indeed visually lose weight, but the subcutaneous fat will remain, and, as before, will interfere with the work of internal organs. And most of the outside will be evenly distributed throughout the body from strength training. Once you stop exercising, the muscles will fall off and the view will not be the best.

What to do? – Add cardio to strength training. This can be running, cycling, exercise bike, jumping rope, circuit and interval training.

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